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What's hot, what's not in minimalism


In a world buzzing with noise, distractions, and excess, minimalism has emerged as a beacon of simplicity, offering a path to clarity and purpose. But just like any other trend, minimalism is not immune to evolution. What was once considered the epitome of minimalism may now seem outdated or cliché. So, let’s delve into what’s hot and what’s not in the ever-evolving world of minimalism.

What's Hot

What's Not

Intentional Living

Sterile Spaces


Blind Consumerism

Digital Minimalism

Digital Overload

Mindfulness and Well-being

Busy-ness and Burnout

Hot: intentional living

Gone are the days when minimalism was solely associated with decluttering physical possessions. Today, it’s more about intentional living – focusing on what truly matters and aligning your actions with your values. This means curating not just your physical space, but also your digital life, relationships, and commitments.

Not: sterile spaces

Minimalism isn’t about stripping your living space of all personality and warmth. Sterile, ultra-modern spaces devoid of character are falling out of favor. Instead, people are embracing cozy minimalism, which combines clean lines with inviting textures, natural materials, and personalized touches.

Hot: sustainability

As the world becomes increasingly aware of environmental issues, sustainable minimalism is gaining momentum. It’s about making mindful choices that minimize waste, reduce consumption, and support eco-friendly practices. From opting for quality over quantity to embracing second-hand and upcycled items, sustainability is a key aspect of modern minimalism.

Not: blind consumerism

Gone are the days of mindless consumption in the name of minimalism. Simply replacing old clutter with new, trendy items doesn’t align with minimalist principles. Instead, focusing on conscious consumption and avoiding unnecessary purchases is the way forward.

digital minimalism

Hot: digital minimalism

In today’s hyper-connected world, digital clutter can be just as overwhelming as physical clutter. Digital minimalism emphasizes decluttering your digital life – from your inbox to your social media feeds. It’s about being deliberate with your online activities, reducing screen time, and fostering real-life connections.

Not: digital overload

Mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds for hours on end is the antithesis of digital minimalism. Excessive screen time not only clutters your mind but also detracts from more meaningful pursuits. Striking a balance and setting boundaries with technology is essential for maintaining a minimalist mindset in the digital age.

Hot: mindfulness and well-being

Minimalism isn’t just about the external environment; it’s also about cultivating inner peace and well-being. Mindfulness practices such as meditation, gratitude, and self-reflection are becoming integral to minimalist lifestyles. By slowing down, being present, and prioritizing mental health, individuals can experience the true essence of minimalism.

Not: busy-ness and burnout

The glorification of busy-ness is on the decline as people realize the toll it takes on their mental and physical health. Constantly chasing more possessions, achievements, and obligations only leads to burnout and dissatisfaction. Simplifying your life and embracing minimalism means saying no to busyness and yes to a more balanced, fulfilling existence.

Minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of everything that distracts us from it.” - Joshua Becker

3 Steps you can take right now

  1. Declutter one area of your home, focusing on items that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy.

  2. Evaluate your digital habits and consider implementing screen-free times or digital detox days.

  3. Start a mindfulness practice, even if it’s just a few minutes of meditation or journaling each day.

Minimalism continues to evolve beyond mere aesthetics or decluttering. It’s about intentional living, sustainability, digital mindfulness, and holistic well-being. By embracing these hot trends and letting go of outdated notions, individuals can embark on a minimalist journey that enriches their lives and nurtures their souls.



what's hot, what's not in minimalism

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